Living or surviving?

  1. Something to Do. How many times have we felt unhappy with life because we simply had too much idle time? I know it has happened in my own life. When I get bored, I get down, and I only snap out of it when I start to get busy again. The thing is, we have to recognize this pattern and stay busy to keep our mood elevated. Find a hobby. Volunteer your free time. Learn to cook. Coach youth sports. There are endless possibilities for “something to do” if we take the time to look.
  2. Something to Love. Friends and family are such an important element to our ultimate happiness. During a traveling phase at my last job I spent a number of lonely nights hundreds of miles away in a hotel room on business. I was in foreign surroundings, working in a job I didn’t particularly like, in an industry I didn’t believe in (credit/financial services). The one source of inspiration to get through those nights was my family. Even though my career situation has since improved, I still think of my wife and kids when I get down and can’t help but smile. If you are single, you may have a best friend that always knows just how to pick you up, or make you laugh when you want to cry. Pets can even be an incredible source of companionship, there to greet you at the end of a long day. I’ve had pets most of my life and marvel at their willingness to love us unconditionally.
  3. Something to Hope For. Everyone should have something to hope for. Something that drives them towards a goal. It’s been said that if you aim for nothing, you’ll hit it every time. Have something to aim for; a dream that you hold close and never let completely out of sight. When people lose hope they get complacent, and complacency often leads to a poor attitude. This self-perpetuating cycle of negativity can lead to serious depression, and ultimately harm cherished relationships. I know, I’ve been in a rut myself and I lost sight of the dreams I once held close. But all hope is never lost, you just may have to work a little harder temporarily to catch up and see those dreams around the next corner again.



En kvinna träffar en okänd man på sin mors begravning, och det är kärlek vid första ögonkastet. Han är allt hon någonsin önskat sig i en man. Men i sin förtjusning glömmer hon bort att fråga efter mannens telefonnummer, och eftersom hon inte ens vet mannens namn får hon inte tag i honom efter begravningen. Ett par dagar senare dödar hon sin syster. Frågan är då: varför dödade hon sin syster? Vad var hennes motiv?

Ta din tid på dig och kom upp med ett svar innan du tittar på svaret längre ned på sidan.


Enligt testet ska då någon som tänker och resonerar som en psykopat direkt ha kommit på det rätta svaret. Hon dödade helt enkelt sin syster i förhoppningen om att mannen skulle dyka upp på systerns begravning. Han närvarade ju trots allt på hennes mors begravning…

Detta är ett helt givet svar på frågan om man tänker efter. I alla fall med en psykopats logik…

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